Meaning/Concept of Control
Control is one of the important functions of management. It involves the development of performance standards or indicators, measuring the actual performance, and taking corrective actions, if any, deviation exists between the standard and actual performance. It is also called a performance evaluation.
Process/Steps of Control System
1. Determine the area of control:
The first step in the control process is determining the major control areas of the organization. The controls should be based on the organizational mission and goals. The choice of areas is important because it is expensive and virtually impossible to control every aspect of the organization.
2. Set control standards:
The second step n the control process is establishing control standards. The standards are the targets against which the subsequent performance is compared. They enable managers to evaluate performance. Normally, performance is measured in terms of quantity, quality, time cost, and behavior.
3. Measure actual performance:
Once standards are determined, the next step is measuring the actual performance. Under this, assessment is done regularly to ensure that plans, programs, projects, budgets, and procedures are moving ahead towards the organizational goals. The aim behind this is to take corrective action in case of deviations. Information is collected from internal as well as external sources for performance evaluation. A strong management information system works as a foundation for performance evaluation.
4. Compare actual performance with standards:
After the measurement of actual performance, it should be compared to the standards. It determines the variation between actual performance and standard. If the performance matches the standard, the process of control stops. Otherwise, attempts should be made to determine the reasons for the deviations.
5. Determine the reasons for deviations:
This step of the control process involves finding the reasons for deviations between the standard and actual performance. The organization needs to identify the deviations due to internal shortcomings or external changes that are beyond the organization's control.
6. Take corrective action:
The final step in the control process is to take corrective action. This includes a re-examination of plans, programs, goals, and strategies.
7. Feedback:
It involves reviewing the control process after taking corrective actions. This is done to enhance the effectiveness of the control process or mechanism.
Types of Control Systems
Control is a managerial activity that ensures the organizational activities are heading in the right direction. There are different types of controls based on the focus of control and timing of control.
A. based on Focus
Based on focus, control may be classified into three types. They are discussed below.
1. Input control:
They focus on inputs such as knowledge, skills, abilities, values, and motives of the employees. They ensure the proper input in the work process.
2. Behavioral control:
They specify work procedures. They are related to the ways of doing organizational activities through policies, rules, and procedures.
3. Output control:
They focus on performance outcomes. They deal with the results through the use of targets or milestones.
B. based on Timing
Based on timing, control can be classified as feedforward, concurrent, and feedback control.
1. Feed-forward/Pre/Input control:
Feedforward control involves identifying and preventing problems in an organization before they occur. It anticipates problems in advance and prepares to solve them. Hence, it is proactive and preventative. In other words, feed-forward control involves taking actions before the problem takes place. So, problems can be prevented rather than just taking corrective actions when they take place.
2. Concurrent/Process/Throughput control:
Concurrent control involves identifying and preventing problems in an organization as they occur. Direct supervision is the best form of concurrent control. Another form would be management by walking around i.e. directly interacting with the employees in the working areas. The main benefit of concurrent control is problems can be corrected before they become too costly.
3. Feedback/Post/Output control:
Feedback control involves identifying and correcting problems in an organization after they occur. It is used when feed-forward and concurrent controls are too costly or time-consuming. Feedback control has some advantages. First, feedback helps to evaluate the planning effectiveness. It also provides motivation, since the workers know how well they are performing their duties.
Purpose /Importance of Control System:
The following are the importance or purpose of a control system.1.Cope the environment: Modern organizations operate in a changing environment. Changes in products, laws and regulations, technology, and competitive forces are common. The control functions help the organizations to cope with environmental dynamism and complexity.
2.Accomplish organizational goals: The controlling functions in an organization guide the activities of the employees. Likewise, they ensure that the human and other resources are utilized most possibly. In this way, controlling provides aid to accomplish organizational goals.
3.Improve efficiency: The controlling process involves determining standards and comparing them to actual performance and taking corrective actions if required. This remains a continuous process as a result of which efficiency in job performance improves.
4.Facilitate coordination: Through the unity of direction, an effective control system facilitates coordination between the units or departments in the organization. It helps to remove duplication and overlapping of works and promote cooperation within the organization.
5.Add value: An organization should constantly add value to the products or services to withstand competition. Controlling provides a great tool for quality improvement and adds the value of products and services for superior customer satisfaction.
6.Facilitate delegation: Delegation of authority means granting power to subordinates to function within prescribed rules. It refers to the flow of authority and powers downwards to the subordinate. Controlling is essential for delegation to ensure that authorities are used properly.
7.Maintain discipline: Controlling helps to maintain the discipline of the employees in the organization. It ensures following rules, procedures, policies, and standards which motivates them toward discipline and morality. It finally helps in effectively achieving performance.
8.Guide future action: Controlling involves the comparison of the actual performance with the standard and analyzes the weaknesses deficiencies. The plans and actions are determined in a way that similar deviations are prevented in future performance. In this way, controlling guides for future actions.
9.Effective supervision: Controlling involves the determination of standards and providing timely guidance and instructions to the employees to overcome the weaknesses in actual performance. The standards serve as the guidance for job performance as a result of which supervision is easy and effective.
Essentials of Effective Control
There is no one ideal control system. It depends on the size, management style, purpose, problems, and strengths. The following are some of the guidelines for proper control.1. Economical: Control activities must be economical. Too much information distorts control and evaluation. It should be meaningful and relate to a firm’s objectives.
2. Timeliness: Control activities should provide timely information to the managers.
3. Provide true picture: Control should be designed to provide a true picture of what is happening.
4. Action-oriented: Information derived from the control process should facilitate action. It should not merely be information-oriented.
5. Foster mutual understanding, trust, and common sense: Control should foster mutual understanding, trust, and common sense among the units or departments in an organization.
6. Simple: Control should be simple. Complexity creates confusion.
7. Convincing: Control should be able to convince the employees that failure to accomplish certain objectives within a prescribed time is not necessarily a reflection of their performance.
8. Objective: Control should be based on facts and information. It should not be done on guess and hunch.
9. Flexible: The control system should be flexible. It should have sufficient ground of modification and adjustment when required.
10. Future-oriented: The control system should be future-oriented. It should be able to identify present weaknesses and limitations so that future performance may be improved.
Nature/Characteristics of Effective Control System
A control system has the following characteristics.
1. A management function:
Control is one of the important functions of management. Without it, the other functions of management are worthless.
2. Continuous process:
Control is related to performance measurement. Hence, it is a continuous managerial function.
3. Plan/Guidelines oriented:
Control involves finding the reasons for deviations in performance if any. It further guides the management to take action in the future to improve organizational performance. The guidelines are derived from approved plans.
4. Corrective action:
Controlsystemensures the organization is going in the right direction. Hence, it focuses on taking corrective actions in case of deviations.
5. An end function:
Generally, the control starts when performances are measured. Hence, it is an end function.
6. Dynamic and pervasive function:
The control system should be reviewed and updated with the change in situation. Hence, it is a dynamic function. Likewise, it covers all aspects of an organization. Hence, it is pervasive in nature. Control is performed by managers at all levels and areas. So, it is also a pervasive function.
7. Focus on key performance:
Control focuses on key performance areas of the organization.
The control system does not only focus on the part and present function. It also focuses how organizational functioning may be improved in the future based on jobs performed.
Control Tools and Techniques
There are several tools and techniques used for control. Some major ones are discussed below.
1. Direct supervision:
This is the oldest technique of control. Under this technique, the manager personally observes the functioning in the workplace. He/she gets first-hand information and takes corrective actions as and when needed. Due to this, the employees work cautiously and honestly. Observing every employee is time-consuming, hence costly. This technique is opposed by the creative, honest, and efficient employee. The observer may be biased in performance evaluation. This technique of control is suitable for small organizations with fewer employees.
2. Budgetary control:
A budget is the quantitative expression of future plan. Budgetary control is a technique of control. A Budget may be prepared for expenses, incomes, cash flow, capital, production, and sales. It provides a standard by which actual performance can be evaluated to detect deviations and take corrective actions are taken if required. Budgetary control is a highly effective tool to control the day-to-day operations of the organization.
3. Break-even analysis:
The breakeven analysis assesses relationships among cost, volume, and profit. It identifies the breakeven point where revenue equals costs. Profit is possible when sales exceed the breakeven point. Hence, the breakeven point acts as the standard. If the organization fails to reach the breakeven point, reasons are identified and analyzed so that corrective actions may be taken in the future.
4. Return on investment (ROI):
ROI is calculated by dividing the net profit by the total amount of investment. The basic concept behind ROI as a technique of Controlling is the volume of profit itself does not reflect the firm performance unless it is compared with the investments. The actual ROI may be compared with the expected ROI and actions are taken if required.
5. Responsibility accounting:
Under responsibility accounting, the organization is divided into smaller units, called the responsibility centers, and a manager is held responsible for achieving the targets of each unit. The managers are supposed to control the activities of their respective centers. The performance of each responsibility center is compared and evaluated against the targets.
6. Management audit:
A management audit is a systematic assessment of the overall performance of the management of the organization. Its objective is to review the efficiency and effectiveness of the management in line with the goals of the organization. In other words, a management audit evaluates whether the management is working in the interests of shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders. Some independent consultants are hired to conduct the management audit
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