learn to write Purposal In Nepal



Trusted Online News Portal Site of State 5,


9863470760 / 9812898158



June 24, 2020


Kathmandu Nepal



Dear Sir/Ma'am,
My name is Bikram Adhikari. Right Now I'm a student in grade 12 (NEB computer Engineering Faculty). I have been working on the Internet Since 2016 as a web, mobile app developer, and Blogger. I have worked with clients from different parts of Nepal. I'm an active blogger and owner of News Portal Website: https://www.rolpasanchar.com . My readers are interested In Political, Technology, Sports, Business, Health, and Educational News.

My Website gets average 500+ unique visits a day with the following states:

·         Nepal: 80 %

·         India: 10%

·         Other Country: 10%


Page Views by Browser:

·         Chrome: 92%

·         Android Browser: 6 %

·         Safari: 1%

·         Other: 1%


I’m also an active social media user with reasonable coverage. Here are my social media profiles

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bikramadhikari
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/bikrama2058


While Searching Other Top news portal websites, to verify the news, I found your Sponsored ad there, I immediately thought I could somehow help give you more exposure, traffic, and leads from my The news portal has given the targeted nature of my community to your advertised product.

As an author, I understand you want targeted exposure, solid and long-term profitable business relationships, minimize cost, maximize profit, etc. That’s exactly what I seek to provide through my Website.  I would wish to offer you maximum targeted exposure from my end. And I promise that, after you publish your advertisement on my website, Your Business will grow up in State No. 5 and also in Karnali State Nepal. Here is my package for you:

·         I’ll do a detailed review post on my Website for your product, highlighting your product features and usages.

·         I’ll add a banner (720*90 or 300*250) to the sidebar of my blog for 30 days, 6 months, or 1 yrs. (as your choice) at only RS 999 for yrs., RS 599 for 6 months, and RS 450 for 30 days. And I have a lifetime package also, which is only on RS 14999.

·         I will not take any cost for changing your ads, after integrating on my website.

(All the price are including VAT)


NOTE: Do let me know if there is something you need to be adjusted on the list so you can get maximum satisfaction.

As a matter of fact, what I would like maybe a win-win future account. I’m confident in the quality of my traffic and given that your links will be on my blog for life, which will ensure a constant flow of targeted visits to your product page from me for an inexpensive time frame.

While expecting to hear from you, do have a wonderful business day, Ncell

You're faithfully  

Bikram Adhikari

Head Office: Liwang, Rolpa

Branch Office: Ghorahi, Dang

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