Yudhishthira's Wisdom Four Level |Adventure Of English BBA |Bikram Adhikari

 Literal Comprehension: The Pandavas were living their lives in exile. On one of those days, they ran after a deer. The deer vanished and soon the Pandavas were left with parched mouths and exhausted bodies. Yudhisthira, the eldest of them, asked Sahadeva to search for water. Sahadeva went, but he did not return. Then, Yudhisthira sent all his brothers, one at a time, to search for water. When none of them came back, Yudhishthira himself went to search for his brothers. He reached a pool, where all his brothers were lying at the bank. They were either dead or unconscious. Yudhishthira's heart broke, and he cried for a long time. However, he was thirsty, and he decided to drink before thinking of what he could do to save his brothers. Yudhishthira was warned by a voice not to drink the water. It was the voice of a Yaksha, and the Yaksha said that Yudhishthira could drink the water only after answering the Yaksha's questions. Yudhishthira answered all of Yaksha's questions. He pleased the Yaksha more when he chose the life of Nakula and said that it was his duty as a king to do justice to his second mother, Madri. The Yaksha, in fact, was Yama himself, the heavenly father of Yudhishthira. Yama gave life to all Pandavas and also gave them useful suggestions.

Interpretation: This story seems to suggest that virtues like patience, obedience to gods, and right conduct are very important. It seems to suggest that people will not have to suffer if they have these virtues. Yudhishthira had all of them, and so he was able to get the lives of his brothers back. The story also suggests that people can get the result of their good action immediately and here in this life itself. Yudhishthira, for example, was able to get the lives of his brother back because of his virtues.

Critical Thinking: The message of this story is not realistic. It suggests that virtuous people will not have to suffer. However, history shows a different reality. Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, and Socrates were all exceptionally virtuous people. But they all had to suffer. They were all killed like criminals. This story can be criticized in other ways, too. It says that the power of God makes the sunshine. However, isn't it unscientific to make such a claim for who knows that the power of God makes the sunshine? Despite such shortcomings, the story is not valueless. It offers an interesting experience of reading, and its philosophical aspects are important. One can, for example, meditate on how a person without desire can be a rich person.

Assimilation: This story impressed me much. I got impressed particularly by the personality of Yudhishthira. A person's true nature can be discovered only in a critical time. Yudhishthira was in the most critical time of his life. But he did not lose his patience. Neither did he deviate from doing the right conduct. I appreciate Yudhishthira very much, and I think that I should try to be like him. This story also aroused my interest in the story of the Mahabharata. This story made me think that I should read the whole of the epic in the future.

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